Add Your Calendar Events Using HomePod

 Adding Calendar Events manually doesn’t take much time, but have you tried to do it using your HomePod? If not, then you’ll get to see and experience how your smart speaker can finish tasks in an easy way. Adding Calendar Events using HomePod is fun, and whenever you’re unable to access anything, you can simply give a command to HomePod for adding an Event. However, this isn’t the only command HomePod understands, you can say it to add reminders, play music, ask for current events and many more things.

HomePod is made by Apple, so the voice assistant you’ll get in it will be Siri. Today, almost every smart speaker has a voice assistant, and if HomePod has the same, it’s no special. But there are some tasks that HomePod can do easily, and better than other smart speakers. 

If you’ve ever used Siri on your iPad, iPhone or Mac, then using it in HomePod won’t be a challenge for you. But if you want to get things done quickly and without any fuss, here’s what you need to do.

How to Add Calendar Events Using HomePod

HomePod comes in several ranges, but to use these types of features, you should only keep its software up to date. Once all the basic requirements are met, here’s what you should do.

  • To create or add a calendar event, just say, Hey Siriadd a calendar event.
  • Siri will ask you the time and date of the event.
  • Give the exact date and time, or you can simply say, Hey SiriSet an appointment on Monday at 10 am.
  • You can also set the name of the event by saying, Hey SiriSet the name of the event Meeting.

Follow the steps and commands correctly, and Siri will hear and respond to you quickly. You can create multiple calendar events. But if you’re willing to delete an event, here’s what you should do.

How to Delete Calendar Events Using HomePod

Once you fully understand the method of adding a calendar event, deleting one won’t be a big issue for you. You can cancel or delete any calendar event if you don’t want it anymore. Here are the steps you must follow:

  • Begin with Hey Siri, Remove/Delete Meeting named calendar event. If you have a different name, you can say it and Siri will understand.
  • Make sure you use the right name, so Siri won’t get confused.
  • If Siri asks you for a confirmation, give your reply in simple Yes or No.

So this is how you can delete any calendar event easily.


The process of both adding and deleting calendar events is pretty straightforward, but the only thing every user must remember is that they should keep the firmware updated and speak commands clearly so HomePod can understand.


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